Rotary Club of Henley-on-Thames

Rotary Club of


Welcome to our website

Our club is an active part of the global network of 1.2 million Rotarians seeking to make a difference in our communities. We support local and international charities and focus on issues such as fighting disease, promoting peace, supporting education and women, and protecting the environment.

As part of the latter commitment, the Rotary Club of Henley-on-Thames is signed up to the End Plastic Soup campaign that seeks to rid rivers and seas of plastic waste.

  Catch up with our activities on Facebook here.

Latest News

We raised about £1500 at our charity music night

 on May 11th, featuring Moscow Drug Club.

On Sunday May 26th we will be taking part in the Plastic Blitz

(see ) Come and see us at Mill Meadow and help to pick up some rubbish along the edge of the Thames

Our next meeting open to the public is on Saturday June 1st

at 10.30 at Jacobinis wine bar in Henley.  Come along and find

out what we do

What is Henley Rotary Club?


We are an open, non-political, non-religious group of local people who work to give back to our communities – local, regional, and international.


We are part of the 1.2 million-strong Rotary International, which has clubs in more than 220 countries.


We raise money for charities:

In the past year, the Henley Club has supported Nomad, the Helen & Douglas House, ActionAid, Turkish earthquake relief, Bluebells, Aquabox, the Henley Sea Cadets, and the Rivertime Boat Trust among others.

We raise awareness.

In the past two years, for example, we have highlighted the environmental dangers of single use plastics. We have engaged in river clean-ups and participated in Henley green events.

We have fun.

We meet regularly to talk about issues and plan future activities.

To get in touch with the club

email Phil Fletcher the secretary


We had a stand at the Traditional Boat Festival last year promoting our "End Plastic Soup" campaign and we recorded a short video whilst we were there to explain what we were doing....

As part of our focus on the environment we have been explaining to the public how their waste is recycled. We have set up a stall in the town centre on several occasions to show people what to put in their green bins.

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We have been helping to clean up our section of the Thames as part of our "End Plastic Soup" campaign. (See here for more details)

Join in the fun and support your local community at the same time.

Get in touch today - email